Third Doses of Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine (Update)


The CDC has recommended third doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for a wider group of individuals. The following groups are now eligible:

  • People 65 years and older and residents in long-term care settings who received their second dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at least six months ago.

  • People aged 18-64 years with underlying medical conditions who received their second dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at least six months ago.

  • People aged 18-64 years who are at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of occupation or institutional setting who received their second dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at least six months ago.

These new recommendations are in addition to the CDC/FDA’s previous recommendation that individuals with moderately to severely compromised immune systems receive a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Immunocompromised patients are eligible for a 3rd dose of Pfizer or Moderna at least 28 days after a 2nd dose of vaccine.

There is no recommendation, at this time, for other groups to get an additional dose of vaccine. The FDA is expected to review data related to additional doses of Moderna and Johnson & Johnson over the next several weeks. Once guidance is available, COPC will share recommendations.

Local pharmacies, grocery stores, and health departments are offering vaccines. Click here to find vaccination options in your community that may be convenient for you.


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